Children in class-
Lesley Marino Photography
Government says 74.6% of Ugandans are now literate – according to the ministry of Education and sports.
This was disclosed by the sector minister Major Jessica Alupo who linked the rise to the expansion of access to both primary and lower secondary levels.
Access to Universal Primary Education in Uganda has since the year 2000 increased by 10% to the current 95.5% enrollment rate.
Major Jessica Alupo said that secondary level enrolment has risen to 99% as a result of the introduction of the introduction of Universal secondary Education in 2007.
The Ugandan government is now working towards realizing all the educational commitments as envisaged in the millennium Development Goal number two. These include early childhood education, Universal Primary Education, high quality education, adult literacy among others.
Meanwhile, the United Nations Educational Social Cultural Organization (Unesco) has promised a grant of 650.000/ USD to the ministry of Education to be used for professional teacher training over a four year period.
This was revealed by the Unesco’s Assistant Director General for Education, Dr. Qian Tang who led a delegation to attend the 2nd High level meeting of eastern African countries to look at ways improving the quality of education in the region.
The money is to be used in the development of education through expanding in service training of teachers.